HEP 456 Module 5 Section 12 and 13 Planning for Analysis and Interpretation and Gantt chartĀ
HEP 456 Module 5 Section 12 and 13 Planning for Analysis and Interpretation and Gantt chartĀ Name HEP 456: ā¦
HEP 251 Discussion 5 Virtual Poster Session
What are the benefits and barriers of a harm reduction approach?
Harm reduction refers to policies, programs, and practices that aim to minimize negative health, social and legal impacts associated with drug use, drug policies, and drug laws. It is grounded in justice and human rights and focuses on positive change and on working with people without judgment, coercion, discrimination, or requiring that they stop using drugs as a precondition of support. Harm reduction plays a significant role in preventing drug-related deaths and offering access to healthcare, social services, and treatment. This results in a reduction of overdose fatalities, acute life-threatening infections related to unsterile drug injection, and chronic diseases such as HIV/HCV. In terms of barriers, anticipated negative community reaction to needle exchange, methadone treatment, and free condoms is a major concern. Also, the lack of staff, funding, or anticipated staff resistance can also be cited as potential barriers to the harm reduction approach.
Does handing out condoms promote sexual activity? Do needle exchange programs promote drug use?
I would say that distributing condoms does not promote sexual activity. Condoms act as a harm reduction method, which means that people are already engaged in sexual activity. To minimize the risk of disease infections, condoms are supplied to make sure that individuals engage in safe sexual behavior. Concerning the need exchange program, I would say that it does not promote drug use but help minimize the risk of infections through sharing needles. The needle exchange program reduces the use of contaminated needles, and access to sterile injection equipment, reduces HIV infection rates, and promotes less high-risk behavior. There are many people who engage in drug use on a daily basis, and for drugs such as cocaine, they share needles to inject drugs. Providing needles reduces the risk of disease transmission through infected needles, and thus, it is a safety precaution.
HEP 456 Module 5 Section 12 and 13 Planning for Analysis and Interpretation and Gantt chartĀ Name HEP 456: ā¦
HEP 456 Module 6 Section 14 Communication and Dissemination of The Findings HEP 456: Health Promotion Program ā¦
NTR 100 COMPLETE Syllabus and Academic Integrity Acknowledgement Question 1 1 / 1 pts I have read the ASU ā¦