HEP 444 Slide Descriptions Hepatitis A

14 October, 2024 | 2 Min Read

HEP 444 Slide Descriptions Hepatitis A

Slide 1

The first slide briefly describes the Hepatitis A infection i.e., its causative agents, host and environment. The webpage and link to the source of data has been displayed on this slide.

Slide 2 (Person)

The reported Hepatitis A cases by sex in the United States from 2004 to 2019 are displayed on this slide. This slide emphasizes the descriptive epidemiologyā€™s person element. The Hepatitis A infection rate is represented on the Y-axis in hundred of thousands of cases. The X-axis shows the years between 2004-2019. The data by sex show that males have more cases of Hepatitis A infection than females. The graph shows a steady decrease of reported cases between 2004-2011 among all sexes and then steady rise of the reported cases from 2014-2019 among both sexes. Since the initial person-to-person infections were documented in 2016, there has been a spike in the reported incidence of hepatitis A among both sexes.

Slide 3 (Place)

The slide displays the place of the reported cases of Hepatitis A infection by state-United States-2019. Each state has a certain color key and each key represents cases of reported Hepatitis A infection in hundreds of thousands. The states with the most cases of Hepatitis A are Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia. The areas with the most cases are characterized by a deep blue color while the areas with the least cases are characterized by a light blue color.

Slide 4 (Time)

The slide shows the time course for the acute Hepatitis A reported cases and acute Hepatitis A Estimated cases by year between 2015-2019 in the US. The number of cases is depicted on the Y-axis. The reported and estimated cases are displayed by year on the X-axis. The graph shows a steady rise in the number of estimated and reported cases from 2015-2019. Incidence of hepatitis A increased by 1,325% from 2015 to 2019. The spike in 2019 was brought on by the un-precedented person-to-person outbreaks in 31 states, mostly among drug users and homeless people.



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